We remain focused on generating returns for all stakeholders and are confident that our high-quality portfolio will generate significant value over time.
Greg Smith
Chief Executive Officer
We're one of the most active investors in university and other research-based companies in the world, with a proven track-record in backing and nurturing science and technology-based businesses to deliver a better future for people and planet.
Visit our Investment Showcase by Curation Connect to get an overview of our investment thesis, hear from our CEO, Greg Smith, directly, and find a curated summary of the publicly available investment content and literature relevant to IP Group.
Our investment case
We’re one of the most active investors in university and other research-based companies in the world, with a proven track-record in backing and nurturing science and technology-based businesses to deliver a better future for people and planet.
Financial highlights
As at 30 June 2024
NAV per share
FY 2023: 114.8pps
Gross cash & deposits
FY 2023: £226.9m
Return on NAV
FY 2023: (13%)
Currently there are no upcoming events.
Investor contacts
General enquiries
Chief Financial and Operating Officer
Director of Communications